Sometimes, saving becomes addictive.
You know that it is going to rain with inflation, that the storm of public debt will not rage because whenever they open the faucet, bills come out that they print themselves, that the universal deluge threatens the dollar, the euro, and the rest of the fiat currencies. Just as it has affected for years the bolivars, the soles, the pesos, and many other sovereign currencies of countries with politicians lacking in common sense.
The thrifty ant also knew that winter and shortages were coming. Every seed, every food, every nutrient was as important at that time as ensuring its survival. How a different kind of money for the saver.
And couldn’t the little insect no matter how strong it was, which it was, load all the reserves on the same day and put them safely inside the anthill.
Just as with the cryptocurrencies, turning the feat of refilling the pantry into a group mission was the key to achieving it and ensuring stability in the cold winter season when they would no longer be able to leave their shelter under the ground.
None of the ants knew the exact date of the change, the date when the first drops would begin to fall. They had to go by the signs, and the crypto ant knew how to recognize them. Increasingly cloudy skies, the silence of the birds, the yellowing leaves, were the…